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22 when_may 2015, 08:48
MadPhysics are now friends with YuBi
MadPhysics wrote to YuBi
22 when_may 2015, 08:48
Привіт, королева)
21 when_may 2015, 20:20
julia99 renewed photo:
Ivanka10 wrote to khoroshok123
21 when_may 2015, 13:48
привет любима)
21 when_may 2015, 13:48
procto228 are now friends with DimoN
Ekaterinka wrote to Daryna
21 when_may 2015, 13:45
Да подруго! Мой конь
Daryna wrote to Ekaterinka
21 when_may 2015, 13:44
Катя, как дела?
Dimon_1999 wrote to Ekaterinka
21 when_may 2015, 13:44
Ку Катюха
21 when_may 2015, 13:44
Ekaterinka are now friends with Daryna
21 when_may 2015, 13:44
Daryna are now friends with Ekaterinka
21 when_may 2015, 13:44
Dimon_1999 are now friends with Ekaterinka
Daryna wrote to Dimon_1999
21 when_may 2015, 13:44
Ekaterinka wrote to Dimon_1999
21 when_may 2015, 13:44
Привет Димон!
21 when_may 2015, 13:44
Daryna are now friends with Dimon_1999
21 when_may 2015, 13:43
Dimon_1999 are now friends with Daryna
21 when_may 2015, 13:43
Ekaterinka are now friends with Dimon_1999
Dimon_1999 wrote to Daryna
21 when_may 2015, 13:43
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